
EMGF GIAC Reviews Gas Study and Elects New Vice Chair


The EMGF Gas Industry Advisory Committee (GIAC) convened in a virtual meeting. The primary agenda was to engage in a detailed discussion about the key findings of an extensive study, titled "Developing a Regional Gas Monetization Plan," which the EMGF has been diligently working on in partnership with Boston Consulting Group (BCG). 

During the meeting the GIAC Members delved into the study’s results, exchanged insights, and explored how these findings can inform future strategies within the gas industry. 

In addition to the discussion on the study, the meeting also featured the election of a new Vice Chair for the GIAC. After a thorough voting process, Eng. Karim El Dessouky- Bechtel was named the new Vice Chair. His election reflects the committee’s confidence in his leadership and vision for steering the GIAC towards achieving its goals.