The East Mediterranean Gas Forum - EMGF, in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy, successfully organized an impactful and engaging two-day event in Athens.
The first day DESFA hosted a site visit for the event participants at the Revithoussa LNG Terminal, the tour was very enlightning, and during which SG Osama Mobarez quoted “ Revithousa LNG Terminal stands as a clear indicator of the East Med's robust and dynamic energy infrastructure, this terminal is just one of many strategic and important infrastructure facilities that collectively underscore the East Med's pivotal role in the global energy landscape”
On the second day, the EMGF held an event titled “Harnessing the Potential for Clean Energy Cooperation in the East Med” co-hosted by the Greek Ministry of Energy and Environment, where EMGf different stakeholders got engaged in thriving conversations through different panels and Roundtable.
During the event, speakers discussed wide array of topics such as Hydrocarbon exploration and the role of infrastructure in security of supply, developments in CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage), i.e. projects for carbon capture and storage, developments in CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage), i.e. projects for carbon capture and storage, and the role of hydrogen as a new "green" fuel that will also utilize the infrastructure and the natural gas network.
The insightful dialogue during the roundtable and panel discussions among private sector leaders, government officials, and regulatory bodies has been exceptionally productive, paving the way for groundbreaking strategies and sustainable energy solutions.
The event concluded with a recognition that by driving decarbonization initiatives and leveraging our infrastructure, we can make a significant impact on global efforts to combat climate change and foster sustainable development.
The EMGF event in Greece marks a pivotal milestone for the hashtag East Mediterranean region, emphasizing the crucial importance of our collective efforts toward hashtag#decarbonization.