
EMGF SG Participates in the Fifth New York – Eastern Mediterranean Business Summit


Today EMGF SG Osama Mobarez participated in the Fifth New York – Eastern Mediterranean Business Summit organized by Economist Impact and entitled "Expanding corridors of stability, investment and trade", at the the University Club of New York.

In a very thriving discussion titled” ENERGY SECURITY AND SUPPLY IN CRITICAL TIMES” SG Mobarez shared the floor with H.E. Geoffery Pyatt, U.S assistant secretary of state for energy resources, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State, H.E. Kostas Skrekas, Minister of Development, Greece and H.E. George Papanastasiou, Minister of Energy, Cyprus.

During the discussions SG Mobarez highlighted the EMGF as a successful model for collaboration untapping the significant resources of the East Med and its contribution to diversification, energy security and climate action.

In addition, SG Mobarez reiterated the importance of collaboration between businesses, financiers, and governments to effectively monetize these resources and ensure their benefits reach the people and the broader region, and emphasized that the EMGF is working towards the strategic objectives of integration to enhance gas production while prioritizing decarbonization efforts within the gas industry through the adoption of various technologies and striving to become a low-carbon, low-cost energy supplier.

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