
EMGF SG Participates in Delphi Economic Forum


Today, EMGF Secretary General Osama Mobarez participated in the Delphi Economic Forum, in Delphi, Greece.

The Delphi Economic Forum was formed in 2016  to address emerging challenges, that influence the national and regional agendas and promote sustainable and socially responsible growth policies for Europe, the wider Eastern Mediterranean and Greece. 

SecGen Mobarez shared the floor with Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, H.E. Alexandra Sdoukou, Managing Director and Country Manager of Energean in Greece, Ms. Katerina Sardi, CEO of DESFA, Ms. Maria Rita Galli, CEO of HelleniQ Upstream, HELLENiQ ENERGY, Mr. Tasos Vlassopoulos, and Managing Director of Fannon Global Advisors, USA Frank Fannon. The discussion was moderated by the Academic Director at the Hellenic Energy Forum, Michalis Mathioulakis.

During the panel H.E. Alexandra Sdoukou reiterated the government’s concrete support for drilling plans, collaboration with businesses, and efforts to facilitate them in licensing and related procedures.  “I remain always optimistic and reiterate that the government has committed to a strategic goal of making Greece a key gateway and energy transit hub to Europe.” said HE Sdoukou.

While EMGF Secretary General  stressed on the critical role natural gas plays today in energy security and the green transition, along with the importance of utilizing new technologies to mitigate climate change.