On the sideline of the 5th Southeast Europe & East Med Conference, held in Washington DC, EMGF Secretary General Osama Mobarez met with US government officials from the Department of Energy and Department of State to showcase the EMGF activities and various initiatives.
Constructive meetings were concluded with Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt- Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S Department of State, Mr. Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management and Henry T. Wooster, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the United States Department of State.
During the meetings, SG Mobarez presented the EMGF activities update with focus on decarbonization efforts, to support and accelerate the East Med Region gas value chain decarbonization.
SG Mobarez also highlighted the EMGF commitment to continue its efforts in advancing regional energy collaboration in the East Med, and its role in fostering both energy security & transition.
The US officials highlighted their joint commitment to boost strategic partnerships, regional integration and create a sustainable energy future for the East Mediterranean region.